Saturday, December 15, 2012

Video: Inside Aleppo, rebels outgunned

>> overseas the situation in syria has deteriorate sod badly that today their close ally russia conceded. the regime is losing control after almost two yearsover fighting, leaving 40,000 people dead. tonight our chief foreign correspondent richard engel is inside syria 's largest city aleppo , where the rebels are making progress but at a very high price.

>> reporter: the syrian regime appears to be cracking, but the rebels remain outgunned. and unable to protect civilians. especially in aleppo . an ancient once buzz ling city. we followed with a rebel fighter. so we're going to go to a fighter position.

>> he runs across intersections exposed to government fire and joins his unit. they peek around corners, fire at government soldiers, and shout insults at them. i join this revolt because of the tyranny and for religion. because for 40 years we have been oppressed, say this is sniper, who painted furniture before the war. the fighting left this once beautiful city devastated. historic mosques destroyed, bread lines , gas shortages, power outages. this was one of the only hospitals residents say available to the opposition. now that it's been destroyed the rebels could only provide the most basic of first aid for the wounded. this clinic operates in secret. it too could be bombed. nurses changed bandages by flash plight. medical supplies are scarce. syrian american doctor came from los angeles to help. i asked him what aleppo needs most.

>> everything. we're talking about even from simple painkillers. there's none. they don't have tylenol here. it has to be brought in.

>> funerals here are now common place. more than 40 a day. amena, their husband and two grandchildren hide at home around a single lantern. she hasn't left this room in two months. the children are hungry.

>> did you eat anything today?

>> fatia, 4 years old, says she had a piece of bread today. just one. rebels hope their sacrifices here will be worth it. once aleppo falls, damascus will follow. until then, syria 's largest city is suffering. richard engel , nbc news, aleppo .


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